Erin: Black Lives Matter

Jun 18

• What’s your ethnic and religious heritage?
African American and I am a Jesus follower

• What’s your earliest memory of becoming aware that some people looked different from you?
 In 2nd grade I became more aware that I was different. My teacher was very hard on me.

• What’s your earliest memory of becoming aware of racism?
The first time I became aware of racism was probably when I was 13/14 I was walking around a drug store away from home and a woman who worked there continued to follow me around the store even though there were tons of other customers in the store.

• What’s one way you think your life would have been different had you been born another race?
That may depend on the race but if I was born white I would likely live a life that is not as full of worry. Where I live I would blend in better so I would not worry about visiting small southern towns with my friends. I would not worry if I’m too loud or if acting a certain way seems threatening. I would not worry about my hair, styling it would not matter. I would not worry about being rejected for something I cannot change, that’s been a worry for me the last few years. All in all, worry less and be myself.

• What is one way you think you could connect with white people who have differing views about race?
I would connect by listening because we all have different experiences, always being honest, and always being as understanding and graceful as possible and willing to discuss.

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